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Monday, September 30, 2013

6-strand hairband~ version 2

Hello everybody,

I liked the 6-strand hairband braid so much that I tried it again, this time with a bigger poofy bun.  I really liked how the smooth ends of my poofy rope braid outlined the outer edge of the bun.  Thank you for stopping by to see my pictures!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Snapshot Sunday 9-29-13

Ode to fall:

I love you, but I'm sad to see the summer go.

I'll miss the tall alfalfa fields so brilliant green on every side of my house (thanks to my farming neighbors)

I hate parting with my magic petunias.  

I didn't even plant them last spring and somehow they survived the harsh winter and came back on their own. 

I'll miss this view out my bedroom window:  fresh baled

Micronesian Girl~ Twisted Hairband Braid & Bun

Hello from the islands,

My friend had a cute hairstyle today~ she made a simple twisted rope braid as a hairband and wrapped the bottom of the braid around her big bun.  So pretty!


Friday, September 27, 2013

6-strand Hairband Braid

Good morning from sunny Micronesia!

Last night I tried making a 5-strand braid, which built up my confidence enough to try a 6-strand braid.  I liked how it turned out so much that this morning I made a hairband braid with 6-strands.  I just gathered the lower section of my hair, banded it together with an elastic, then made the 6-strand braid.  When I had reached about as far as I could comfortably go, I tied the end of my braid off with another elastic.  I put the rest of my hair into a ponytail and wrapped my 6-strand braid around it like a hairband.  My bun is two sections loosely twisted together like a rope braid, held in place with bobby pins.  I would twist a little bit, stop and pin that section in place, then twist some more, etc...until the bun was finished.  I covered the two elastics with a butterfly clip, and was ready to head out the door!

A secret to making a 6-strand braid: Think over, under, over, under, over.  Also, it helps if you start off with your hair in a ponytail.  This makes it easier to keep the strands separate.



Oriental Double Knot Bun

Hi friends,

One of my sister's favorite go-to hairstyles is this pretty Oriental double knot bun with chop sticks.  This hairstyle shows off her blonde streaks very nicely, too!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Rolled Waterfall French Braid

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins
Difficulty:  medium+

My cousin wears her hair like this all the time 
and calls it a
waterfall french braid.

I couldn't figure out how she did it, because it's 
not a typical waterfall french braid.

And it looks so thin and delicate. 

If you could look straight down at her head like an aerial shot, it would look like a flat french

My look for today~ Winding Road Bun

Hello everybody,

"Winding Road Bun" is a picturesque name for an extremely easy hairstyle.  I started out with two accent braids, braided them into a Dutch braid, and wound the length of my braid into a sideways bun.  The accent braids weave in and out around the bigger Dutch braid, rather like a winding road :-)  Thanks for stopping by to look!